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ProsePlay(el: HTMLElement): ProsePlay

Create a new ProsePlay instance, which will operate in the given HTML element.

ProsePlay.parse(str: string): ProsePlay

Parse the given string and creates the interactive components.

static ProsePlay.parse(str: string): ProsePlay

Same as above, but without first creating a ProsePlay instance and providing an existing HTML element. This will insert a new <div> into the body of the page.

ProsePlay.load(name: "homophones" | "hypothetically" | "dickinson"): ProsePlay

Load one of the three available samples and creates the interactive components.

static ProsePlay.load(name: "homophones" | "hypothetically" | "dickinson"): ProsePlay

Same as above, but without first creating a ProsePlay instance and providing an existing HTML element. This will insert a new <div> into the body of the page.

ProsePlay.randomise(windowIndexes?: number[]): void

Slide each window to a random choice. If windows are linked, they will move to the same choice index together. If no windowIndexes is specified, all windows will be randomised.

ProsePlay.randomize(windowIndexes?: number[]): void

Alias for randomise().

ProsePlay.slideWindow(windowIndex: number, choiceIndex: number): void

Slide a specified window to a specified choice index.

ProsePlay.choices: string[][]

Return a nested list consisting of, for each window, the list of choices in that window.

ProsePlay.currentIndexes: number[]

Return a list consisting of, for each window, the current choice index.

ProsePlay.setFunction(name: string, fnc: Function): void

Attach a custom function to the ProsePlay instance. If the poem has the syntax (choice1->myFunc|choice2) and myFunc() is a custom function that exists in the code, the function can be passed into the ProsePlay instance using setFunction("myFunc", myFunc). After the function is set, myFunc() will be called each time choice1 is activated.

ProsePlay.expand(): void

Expand all choices across windows. When the poem is in this state, no windows can be moved and the randomise() function cannot be called.

ProsePlay.collapse(): void

Collapse all choices across windows, allowing windows to be moved and the randomise() function to be called.

ProsePlay.isExpanded: boolean

Return a boolean describing whether the windows are expanded (true) or collapsed (false).